
The dashed triangle is the image of the solid triangle. The center of dilation is (6, 6) .What is the scale factor used to create the dilation?Enter your answer as an integer or decimal in the box.

Accepted Solution

Dilation involves changing the size of a shape.The scale factor from the solid triangle to the dashed triangle is 0.2To calculate the dilation from the solid triangle to the dashed triangle, we calculate the length of corresponding sides of both triangles.The measure of the corresponding sides at:[tex]\mathbf{Solid = 15}[/tex][tex]\mathbf{Dashed = 3}[/tex]The scale factor (k) is then calculated as:[tex]\mathbf{k = \frac{Dashed}{Solid}}[/tex]This gives[tex]\mathbf{k = \frac{3}{15}}[/tex]Divide[tex]\mathbf{k = 0.2}[/tex]Hence, the scale factor from the solid triangle to the dashed triangle is 0.2Read more about dilations at: